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how to reduce belly

 A fat belly is considered more risky than fat in other parts of the body. Studies show that abdominal fat leads to raised blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels, blood sugar and heart disease. Due to this, it can be said that waist circumference and fat-distribution is more important than your actual weight for predicting health risks.

It is also believed that a fat belly can develop due to increased stress. During stress, the hormone cortisol is produced in large quantities. This in turn increases the storage of fat in the belly. Hence a reduction in stress is also an important contributing factor to weight reduction around the belly.

If you are prone to adding fat to your belly, then watch your calorie intake with that of your needs. This prevents weight gain and hence you will be less prone to belly fat.

If you already have a fat belly, start on a healthy weight loss program, which includes a balanced diet meeting your needs, an exercise routine to be rigorously followed and of course reduce your stress levels. Try eating a fiber rich food which will reduce you hunger pangs. Make knowledgeable choices when choosing your lose pound strategy. Read books on diets and then take a wise decision. Above all have a strong commitment to stick to your program because fat in the belly does not reduce overnight, no matter who tells you this. Keep on trying on a daily basis and over time you will surely see results.

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